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Imagine #K12Education!
Students Build projects for their community and link to the video of their project from their school information page.
Build a Rube Goldberg machine that can feed the dogs chicken, using common items found around the house. @matthew_d_green #Science #STEAM #EdTech #jobskills #K12Education
[embed][/embed] Activities From homemade bath bombs to toothbrush-and-rubber-band robots, has over three dozen at-home experiments< for aspiring scientists. The experiments show that “you can demonstrate cool scientific principles and test out your ideas with everyday objects found all around you.
Each experiment is accompanied by a materials list and set of instructions, and most also feature additional content.
Adafruit provides the tools to make it easy to teach electronics.
STUDENTS Find everything you need making things.
Helping educators teach the wonderful world of electronics, and programming, to makers of all ages. Adafruit provides the tools to make it easy to teach electronics. Adafruit sells a wide range of products for all skill levels. We carry all of the most popular boards including Circuit Playground, Feather, Arduino-compatible, Raspberry Pi, micro:bit, and more.
Free to Play
Free Games Girls Play
CISA - Resilience Series Graphic Novels Graphic Novel: Real Fake
CISA encourages everyone to use care when consuming information they receive or come across. Practicing media literacy—including verifying sources, seeking alternative viewpoints, and finding trusted sources of information—is the most effective strategy in limiting the effect of disinformation. The Resilience Series highlights the importance of evaluating information sources to help individuals understand the risks from foreign influence operations on our society and democracy. If you have any questions or comments, please email
Carnegie Cyber Kids Academy World’s Most Prestigious Cyber Defense Training Facility.
CyberPatriot for High School Students.
CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program.
At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition.
The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a six hour period. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region, and the top teams in the nation earn all-expenses paid trips to Baltimore, MD for the National Finals Competition where they can earn national recognition and scholarship money.
TechGirlz mission is to inspire middle school girls to explore the possibilities of technology to empower their future careers. TechGirlz is accomplishing its mission through the creation of free, fun, interactive “TechShopz” led by industry professionals, leaders and students. We share our free workshop curriculum with companies, organizations, schools and community groups so they can inspire girls around the world with technology. We develop fun and educational hands-on workshops,called TechShopz, and an annual Summer Camp. @TechGirlzorg
- CODEGIRL Intro to Computer Science
The team at CODEGIRL are so excited that you have decided to check out Codecademy! Good luck and may the code by with you!
- Freada Kapor Klein, the founder of the Level Playing Institute, talks about her experience and the future of diversity in the tech industry. @friedamca
The Kapor family of organizations works to remove barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and tech careers for underrepresented people of color. We take a comprehensive approach to fixing the leaks at every stage of the tech pipeline, from K-12 education through the workplace with education programs, advocacy, and social impact investing.
Free Training from Cybrary
Free Cyber Security Training and Career Development
(Summer Camp) Program for High School Girls
- ChickTech is an organization that provides free technology workshops for high school girls 1 weekend a month for 6 months. Find out if there is a chapter in your city.
- Kode With Klossy But it has only a few cities it services. They're dedicated to making the program free, including assisting with transportation costs. This page gives more information about the cities and how the scholarship works, and something new this year is that if you know a young woman who might be interested in the program, you can nominate them for the scholarship!
- Be a Mentor at MAGIC "More Active Girls In Computing" -email - contact [@]
- Get 8th Graders interested in #STEM
*® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities.
They have tutorials on programming, using user-friendly environment and concepts like minecraft, star wars or frozen, to appeal to children. It really makes it fun and engaging to create something using the programming logic and see it work; especially if you're working on your favorite pc game (eg. minecraft). There's even categorization on grades: *
Show them around the website, watch short inspirational videos and complete a simple game together.*
- MAGIC (More Active Girls In Computing) aims to be such a program.
We believe that we need to start with middle school girls, and foster in them a positive attitude towards computing, since the high school level might be too late. What is needed is a mentorship program throughout the country, available to everyone.
How to get the pre-teen and teen audience interested:
Try to make the subject matter interdisciplinary and relevant to their immediate interests or some part of their everyday life. Many kids show their particular interest in science or tech when it explains make-up (the science behind color theory or creating homemade cosmetics), constructing clothing and accessories (proportions in the human body, dying fabric, fashion design drawing apps ), how to take better or more unusual digital pictures/video (the importance of natural light, shutter speed), the science behind cars and recording music (what is behind synthetic music or digital editing).
Ask them to design a dress, shoe or chair. This kicked off a discussion on algorithms. Then math was discussed as their projects required taking or identifying measurements to use for construction. If the project construction continued over several days, then they were required to keep track of their costs and time.
Internships/Research Opportunities for High school Students
- AI4ALL Education Programs For The Social Good of the Nation
AI4ALL is a nonprofit working to increase diversity and inclusion in artificial intelligence.
We believe that some of the best ideas come from the voices you don’t often hear. Our supportive and rigorous summer education programs are an entry point into artificial intelligence and computer science for underrepresented high school students. Applications are now open for programs across North America.
We create pipelines for underrepresented talent through education and mentorship programs around the U.S. and Canada that give high school students early exposure to AI for social good. Our vision is for AI to be developed by a broad group of thinkers and doers advancing AI for humanity’s benefit. Apply to 2018 Summer Programs
- High School Club Builds Self-Driving Vehicle
"For the most part, I’m self-taught. I took a series of C programming language classes a few years ago from Stanford’s program. I learned the Python programming language on my own.
In eighth grade, I took advanced-placement calculus and statistics courses, which enabled me to take multivariate calculus in ninth grade. We are fortunate at my school because we have a professor from Foothill College who teaches this course. This class turned out to be useful for understanding machine-learning algorithms. I’ve finished Udacity’s online machine-learning engineer nanodegree. I also interned at Nvidia, in Santa Clara."If anyone is interested, we open sourced all of the design files, with instructions on how to build a car of your own for around $900 (at the time, this was several years ago)
Here is a video of the results from the semester. One group was able to max out the speed on the car, which at scale is equivalent to 128 MPH.
- Girl Scouts of America will offer a total of 18 K-12 cybersecurity badges
All the badges and pins cost money! from $1.75 - $5.50
Tax Return 2014 - 2015 - Overall RatingEngineering | Robotics: Girls design their own robots after learning how they’re built and programmed. “Unplugged” activities allow girls to earn badges without buying kits.
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering: Girls complete hands-on engineering activities, such as building and testing rollercoasters, race cars, and gliders.
Engineering: Think Like an Engineer. Girls discover how to think like an engineer by participating in hands-on design challenges and completing a Take Action project.Computer Science: Think Like a Programmer. Girls learn how programmers solve problems as they (girls) participate in interactive computational-thinking activities and complete a Take Action project.
Outdoor STEM: Think Like a Citizen Scientist. Girls practice the scientific method by undertaking a citizen science project. They make observations, collect data, and work with scientists who provide feedback on research and findings. Girls also complete a Take Action project.
According to the Girl Scout Research Institute 81% of 11 year old girls are interested in pursuing a STEM related career, but by the age of 15 they have already lost interest. There is a lack of role models and mentors, not enough hands-on experience in STEM subjects, and an intimidating lack of gender equality in the STEM career fields of their choice.
Barbara Liskov, professor at @MIT, receives the @IEEEorg Computer Society’s 2018 Computer Pioneer Award “for pioneering data abstraction, polymorphism, and support for fault tolerance and distributed computing in the programming languages CLU and Argus." Women's History Month - Computer Wonder Women and the Digital Diva's:
#1 Protect America from cyber attacks and ensure our online world is a safe place to live, work and play.
Compliance, Corporate Data, Passwords a set of practices performed to preserve health.
PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY: USE A VPN - and SEARCH ENGINE that provides Privacy, SSL, Proxy. Cookie Free Searching etc.
"If what you are getting online is for free, you are not the customer, you are the product." ~Jonathan Zittrain
A multibillion dollar market - N.J. data broker tried to sell personal info on a million kids but didn’t tell state officials.
There isn't a single school district with a K-12 CPO.
In fact, it is still extremely rare for districts to hire even one full-time employee dedicated to privacy. Student Privacy Bill Protection : No Parental Consent Needed for Data Mining. Schools Are Deploying Massive Digital Surveillance Systems. The Results Are Alarming
School gives kid Chromebook - Kid uses it to charge personal phone - Device automatically downloads all kid's photos - @Gaggle_K12 automatically scans everything & generates alerts
There are real physical dangers using phone apps like Whisper, Kik, and Chat Avenue. They exploit sexually assault vulnerable underage boys and girls. You have apps and games that also have chat functions that predators now use to target children playing these games! [more]
"There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be." ~ Robert Mueller FBI Director, 2012
1998 Hackers Testified to the U.S. Senate that their computers were not safe, not the software, not the hardware, not the networks that linked them together.
2017 The Cold War Is Over, The Cyber War Has Begun ~ Ray Watson @rayjwatson and BlackHat17 talk about history of hacking, phreaking, and social engineering.
Shouts out to @2600 @jfagone @jdcrunchman @phrack @kpoulsen @kevinmitnick @VinceintheBay @da5ch0 @RachelTobac @HydeNS33k @tprophet
Movies rarely influence public policy, but Washington’s policies on cyberattacks, computer surveillance and the possibility of cyberwarfare were directly influenced by the 1983 box-office hit “WarGames.”
Three months earlier, Reagan had delivered his “Star Wars” speech, imploring scientists to build laser weapons that could shoot down Soviet missiles in outer space. The idea was widely dismissed as nutty. What was the old man up to now?
After finishing his synopsis, Reagan turned to Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and asked: “Could something like this really happen?” Could someone break into our most sensitive computers? General Vessey said he would look into it. One week later, the general returned to the White House with his answer. “WarGames,” it turned out, wasn’t far-fetched. “Mr. president,” he said, “the problem is much worse than you think.”
Stuxnet the first weapon to made entirely out of open source code. When Historians write about WW3 the great CyberWar which began in 2011 when the U.S. and Israel lost an extremely advanced revolutionary airgapped weapon (a virus) used against Iran called Stuxnet. Then the OPM Office of Personel Management lost the person information for over 22 million people including their friends and family who went under US government background checks.
Hacker Ethos The Professionals
BlackHat 2017: 5 Generations of Hacking entire talk